de los phrasal verbs más comunes.
BE ABOUT TO - estar a punto de -I was about to leave
the house when my friends arrived.
BE BACK - regresar -I'm working late at the office tonight so
I won't be back until 10.
BE OUT OF - quedarse sin - We're out of eggs so we
can't make a tortilla.
BE OVER - terminarse - When the football match was over, we
went to the pub.
BE UP - estar levantado - "Phil isn't up yet: he's
still in bed. Phone again in ten minutes."
BLOW UP - estallar (una bomba) - The bomb blew up killing six
BLOW UP - inflar - We blew up at least a hundred balloons for
the Christmas party.
BREAK DOWN - averiarse - My car broke down on the way
to Motril.
CALL BACK - volver a llamar - "I'm afraid the
manager isn't here at the moment. Could you call back later?"
CARRY ON - seguir. continuar - I'm sorry if I interrupted you.
Please carry on.
CARRY OUT - cumplir (una promesa) - The President
carried out his promise to reduce taxation.
CARRY OUT - llevar a cabo - The execution was
carried out at seven o'clock in the morning.
CLEAR UP - poner en orden - It took four hours to clear up
after the party.
COME ACROSS - encontrar, dar con - I came across an
old friend on the metro in Madrid.
COME BACK - regresar - I'm going to England for two
weeks. I'm coming back on the fifth.
COME IN - entrar - "Good morning. Come in and sit
COME ON - ¡Vamos!, ¡Date prisa! - Come on. We're going to be
CUT DOWN ON - consumir menos - You must cut down on
cholesterol or you'll have a heart attack.
CUT OFF - cortar, desconnectar - When we didn't pay the bill,
the electricity was cut off.
CUT UP - cortar en pedazos - We cut up the birthday cake and
gave everyone a slice.
DO UP - abrochar, atar - I was five before I knew how to do
up my shoelaces.
WITH - tener algo que ver con, tener relación con
- "What's MS DOS?" "It's got something to do with computers."
DO WITHOUT - pasarse sin, prescindir de - The shops
are shut so we'll have to do without sugar.
DRAW UP - pararse - The car drew up at the zebra crossing.
GET BACK - volver, regresar - Cinderella had to get back by
twelve o'clock.
GET IN(TO) - entrar - I lost my keys and so I
couldn't get into the house.
GET OFF - bajar (de un autobus, tren) - You have to get off
the bus at the next stop if you want the station.
GET ON - subir (a un autobus, tren, moto) - Quick! Get on the
train, it's about to leave.
GET UP - levantarse - When I got up this morning it was still
GIVE BACK - devolver - If you don't like the dress,
the shop will give you your money back.
GIVE UP - perder la esperanza, rendirse - If you find phrasal
verbs difficult, don't give up.
GIVE UP - dejar (de fumar, beber) - You'll get cancer if you
don't give up smoking.
GO AHEAD - ¡Siga! - "Can I use the telephone?"
"Yes, go ahead."
GO AWAY - irse, marcharse - Are you going away for Christmas,
or are you staying at home.
GO BACK - volver, regresar - Although she's forty, she's going
back to University to study French.
GO DOWN - bajar - The price of fruit goes down in the summer.
GO OUT - salir (por la calle) - I always go out and have a
few drinks on Saturday night.
GO UP - subir - The price of cigarettes went up in January
HANG ON/HOLD ON - esperar - Hold on for a minute as Pablo
will be back in five minute.
HANG UP - colgar (el teléfono) - My ex-girlfriend hung up when
I phoned her.
KEEP UP WITH - mantenerse (a la altura de) - I can't
keep up with my father when we go cycling as he goes too fast.
KNOCK DOWN - derribar, atropear, demoler - My
grandfather's old house was knocked down and a bank was built.
LEAVE BEHIND - olvidar, dejar - When I got to the
airport, I realised I had left my passport behind.
LET IN - dejar entrar - She opened the door and let in the
LOOK AFTER - cuidar - My mother looks after the
children when we go away.
LOOK FOR - buscar - I spent two hours looking for my glasses
before I found them.
LOOK FORWARD TO - esperar con ilusión - I'm looking
forward to the Easter holidays.
OUT - tener cuidado, ¡Ojo! Look out! - There's a car coming. JOHN
& SARAH 1996 (c)
LOOK UP - buscar algo (en un libro, diccionario) - If you
don't understand the word, look it up in a dictionary.
PUT IN - meter, introducir - Put ten pence in the machine and
you will get a cup of coffee.
PUT ON - encender - Put on the light, it's getting dark.
PUT ON - ponerse (la ropa) - Put your coat on or you'll get
RUN OUT OF - quedarse sin algo We ran out of petrol
so we had to get the bus.
SET OFF - ponerse en camino - We set off to Madrid at five
o'clock to avoid the traffic.
TAKE AFTER - parecerse a - Pablo takes after his
mother: they are both optimistic.
TAKE OFF - despegar - The flight was delayed for two hours and
the plane eventually took off at 6 p.m.
TAKE OFF - quitarse la ropa - Take off your coat and make
yourself comfortable.
TAKE OUT - extraer, sacar - He took out a cigarette and lit it.
THROW AWAY - tirar (en la basura) - Don't throw these
papers away: they're important.
TURN DOWN - bajar (el volumen) - Turn down the
radio: it's too loud.
TURN UP - poner el volumen más fuerte - Turn up the radio. I
can't hear it.
TURN ON - encender (televisión, luces etc.) - Turn on the
television, please, I want to see the news.
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