Sunday, 11 December 2022

26 de enero, día mundial de la educación ambiental

El 26 de enero celebra el día mundial de la educación ambiental “La educación es el arma más poderosa para cambiar el mundo” Nelson Mandela

Thursday, 8 December 2022


Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon increases 93% this year


Deforestation in the Amazon increased 93% between January and September of 2019 compared to last year

In the first nine months of the year, it lost 7,854 square kilometers of vegetation cover, and in September alone 1,447.4 square kilometers were cut.
Which is almost the double that in 2018.

The data used is from the Deter, which works with satellite images and INPE uses it to offer alerts about the areas that are being deforested.

Is being seen a trend on deforestation. los prosecutors of the Brazilian Institute of Environment will be alerted to the threatened places where they have to concentrate their activities.

Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon has also coincided with the progress of fires in the region and has made the Brazilian Government a target of harsh criticism by organizations and foreign countries.

Information was released this Friday by the state National Institute of Space Research (INPE).

Jesús Castelló Parra

Tuesday, 6 December 2022


Resolutions that will help our beautiful planet:
1. Reduce your dependency on single-use plastics! 2. Reduce your dependency on all other plastics, too! 3. Eat less Meat 4. Try to limit your shopping within the Fast Fashion industry 5. Hang your laundry to dry sometimes! 6. Walk, Bike or Take Public Transportation when you can! 7. Limit your Food Waste 8. Shop from ethical pioneers 9. Detox your home & cosmetics 10. SPREAD THE KNOWLEDGE. EDUCATE YOUR FRIENDS. EMPOWER THEM TO CREATE CHANGE.

Sunday, 6 November 2022


Connecting the world to the stories that matter. The World Press Photo Exhibition 2022 on its world-wide tour showcasing the stories that matter with photography from the 65th annual World Press Photo Contest.
El alumnado de ECA ha realizado una visita a la La Fundación Chirivella Soriano de Valencia para ver la "World Press Photo 22", en su décima edición en la ciudad. Es la exposición de fotoperiodismo más prestigiosa del mundo y sus fotografías son un testigo de nuestro tiempo que muestran los acontecimientos informativos que marcan la historia contemporánea.

Thursday, 20 October 2022


This video provides a broad overview on the sport of caving, how to get started, and the importance of safety and conservation.

Friday, 2 September 2022

Welcome back to school

We start a new school year! So...
With the long list of school supplies you get every year, consider shopping a bit more eco-friendly this time. There are so many amazing options to shop eco-friendly when sourcing your back-to-school supplies.

Wednesday, 4 May 2022

Internet safety and anti cyber bullying workshop next 17th of May in Cheste

Cyberbullying is not a laughing matter. We should be taking this very seriously.
Patrick Fogarty runs International Workshops which deliver Workshops on Internet Safety and Anti Cyber Bullying at Schools around the world. Since 2016 we have presented at over 400 schools across Europe, South America and parts of Asia. The reason for the Workshops success is that they are always presented by young musicians and as a result the students really connect and take the message on board. Student Workshops are always delivered in English or Spanish or a combination of both The content we cover is : Safety Online Catfishing Social Media Media Stacking Consideration when using devices Anonymity and setting up of fake accounts Fake News Cyber Bullying Image Sharing / Sexting Screen time / Dream Scrolling The musician for these Workshops will be Harry Mold. Here is a link to his socials and video Harry Mold - Drain - YouTube HARRY MOLD (@harrymold) • Instagram photos and videos

Wednesday, 13 April 2022



22nd April Earth´s Day

“Many small people, in many small places, doing many small things can change and save the world.”
“Earth care, as it turns out, is really about self-care and other-care. What we design today impacts how we live tomorrow. For better or for worse, it impacts far into upcoming generations.” ― L.L. Barkat, Earth to Poetry: A 30-Days, 30-Poems Earth, Self, and Other Care Challenge

Tuesday, 5 April 2022

Erasmus + for teachers mobility program in Finland.

Last March some of our teaching staff had the opportunity to observe first hand and particicipate in a job shadowing and a teaching practice exchange in Finland, learning from one of the best educacional systems in the world. We set the base for future cooperation programs for both students and teachers exchanges in Vocational Studies. We discussed ways to start up and organize future exchanges in both directions. Our visited OSAO Vocational School in Muhos, one of nearly 10 units in Oulu, one of the most important cities in the north of Finland. The teaching staff welcomed us in a very warm and attentive way, and it meant a very rewarding, interesting as well as multidisciplinary experience at a profesional level, and we got impressed and delighted with the personal attention we received from the whole team there. We hope to continue building this bridge between our schools. ECA keeps moving forward.

Tuesday, 1 March 2022



Resultado de imagen de parity gender equality feminism

Rural Women empowerment

Historically, rural women are powerful, strong and purposeful women who are deprived by the circumstances of abuse, inequality, and lack of opportunities. These challenges have hindered their personal development, economic empowerment, and community leadership.
Rural women make a quarter of the world’s population. 
‘rural women are the invisible mainstay of community resilience and sustainability.’ 
Rural women are key contributors to agricultural production, food security, climate advocacy, enterprise, and citizenship. 
Sadly, the active contribution and the effort of rural women are not recognized and their full potentials underutilized.
When women have empowered they, in turn, contribute to their family’s income and become active change leaders in their communities. 

Mujeres rurales: 

la desigualdad múltiple

La discriminación que relega a las mujeres, se multiplica cuando hablamos de la mujer en los entornos rurales. Digo mujer en singular, porque pese a su diversidad es su condición de mujer, la razón de su discriminación. Y digo en los entornos rurales en plural, porque sean cuales sean las particularidades del mundo rural en el que viven, en todos ellos los indicadores de discriminación se disparan y se agravan, todavía más si la mujer es una persona migrante.
El desequilibrio se expande y se multiplica: tasas de desempleo más altas -por encima del 40%-, brecha salarial por encima de los 400 euros al mes, porcentajes inferiores de presencia en los órganos de decisión y/o responsabilidad, total asunción de las tareas de cuidados que redobla la adhesión al suelo pegajoso, indefensión ante la violencia por la mayor dependencia económica y los menores recursos de intervención, y por encima de todo la invisibilidad de las mujeres en un entorno predominantemente masculino y envejecido.
Es esa invisibilidad, la que obliga a marcar un día en el calendario para abandonar las justificaciones y reconocerlas como víctimas de un sistema patriarcal, para avanzar en el empoderamiento emprendido por las federaciones y entidades de mujeres rurales y acompañarlo de políticas activas que refuercen el trabajo y agilicen las soluciones.
The video shows in practical terms how we use our capital mandate to empower women. We use our capital mandate to unlock public and private finance for the poor. The last few years have seen the articulation of new development agendas that are shaping and reinforcing the importance of this work.

Friday, 7 January 2022

These are some videos that can help us understand the importance of making people aware of the importance of Environmental Education. We won't stop global warming if we don't teach our youths to get involved. Sean Cain discusses an alternative approach to educating our young on environmental responsibility. Terry gives a talk on the importance of shifting the focus to children in matters of environmental initiatives in order to encourage a greener culture.
World Environmental Education Day Date in the current year: January 26, 2022 World Environmental Education DayThe issue of environmental protection and education is so important these days that World Environmental Education Day is celebrated more than once a year. The World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC) holds the observance on October 14, but many other environmental organizations celebrate Environmental Education Day on January 26. The results of all our efforts to keep the environment clean will be short-lived if we don’t pay enough attention to environmental education. Environmental education is a multi-disciplinary field that aims to teach individuals and communities how people can manage behavior and ecosystems to live sustainably. In other words, environmental education is designed to teach us how to live in harmony with nature and reduce human impact on the environment. The modern environmental education movement gained international recognition and significant momentum due to the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment that took place in Stockholm in June 1972. At the 21st plenary meeting of the Conference, the so-called Stockholm Declaration was adopted. The document contained 26 principles concerning the environment and sustainable development. One of the principles was “Environmental education is essential”. The main task of World Environmental Education Day is to emphasize the importance of environmental education as a scientific discipline that pays special attention to the social dimension of environmental problems and focuses on creating the awareness, knowledge, skills and motivation to address, solve and prevent these problems. What is sustainability? In this video we show you what sustainability is, its origin and its importance to try to achieve a global well-being of the present and future generations. Is it possible to avoid climate change? Climate change is a global challenge that has no borders and to combat it requires coordinated work by all countries. Many people do not know what it really amounts to, either due to unreliable sources or deliberate misinformation, which has led to a series of myths about climate change. In this video we tackle the subject from an objective, scientific viewpoint, discussing the causes and consequences of climate change and how it should be tackled. NEWS AND STORIES