Saturday, 20 June 2015


As globalisation continues, students from around the world have more and more opportunities to work in companies that use English as the means of communication in the work-place. I've found this lesson plan created a lot of interest and enthusiasm amongst my Chinese university students in Shanghai. As China opens up and more foreign companies are entering the market, university students are particularly interested in learning 'English for employment' skills.

To give university level students an opportunity to practice job interviews in English using discussion and role play.

Intermediate to advanced

blackboard and handout

45 minutes

employer, employee, applicant, candidate, application form, skills, willingness, wage, requirements,
work experience, vacation, medical insurance, bachelor/masters/MBA, degree, training, salary, overtime, housing, promotion, work environment, transcripts, experience, personality, language abilities, references, letters of recommendation, honesty, equality, grades, office, work schedule, breaks, attention to detail, qualifications, computer literate, availability,flexible hours, team work, abilities, references, full/part time job, assistant, general office skills, opportunities for growth

Typical Interview Questions
What salary do you expect?
What salary do you offer?
What is your work experience?
Where is it located?
What did you study in school?
What languages can you speak?
Is there a chance for promotion?
What are the benefits?
Main Activity: Job Interview Role Play - 20 Minutes

Two groups:
Employers seeking to hire employees and applicants seeking to find jobs.
The employers line up in row and the job applicants go from company to company and ask about the jobs.


If time permits, ask the employers who they would like to hire and why.

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