Sunday, 6 November 2011


Hi guys you have here, well, in the link above, all the information you will need dealing with tests and percentages
have a look at it and tell me if you´re not sure about anything
but pay special attention to the oral individual criteria that (remenber) is NEXT WEEK!!

good luck!

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

2BI English Groups: 2BATI 2BAHI Carmina

Writing letters
Here you have some web pages that can help you writing all kind of letters
you can suggest any other web page that you´ve found and you think can be interesting

I hope you like it, please have a look before doing any letter it can help you a lotand don´t forget to tell me what you think about it

Sunday, 25 September 2011

2BI English Groups: 2BATI 2BAHI Carmina

Well, guys, here you can have a look at some of the web-pages we may use while we go through the first dossier "Travelling"   (videos)

I hope you enjoy it ;)

Monday, 4 April 2011


Click on the picture and find the final project you and your classmates have to do. Have Fun!

Wednesday, 30 March 2011


El curso pasado un alumno del Ies Benaguasil ganó este premio. ¡A ver si este curso podemos ser más!

La Fundación de la Comunitat Valenciana para la Calidad de la Educación, convoca la cuarta edición de los Premios anuales a la Excelencia “Swimming in English 2011”, para premiar al alumnado con los mejores expedientes académicos.
El Premio consiste en un curso de inmersión en inglés de una semana de duración en el Complejo Educativo de Cheste (Valencia).
En esta nueva convocatoria podrá participar el alumnado que esté cursando 3º o 4º de ESO durante el curso escolar 2010-2011 en los centros educativos de la Comunitat Valenciana.
La 4ª edición de Premios a la Excelencia-Swimming in English 2011 se celebrará en dos períodos: la semana del 31 de agosto al 6 de septiembre de 2011(para alumnado de 3º de ESO) y del 7 al 13 de septiembre de 2011 (para el alumnado premiado de 4º de ESO).
El número total de plazas premiadas será de 80: 40 para el alumnado de 3º de ESO (1ª semana de realización) y 40 para el alumnado de 4º de ESO (2ª semana de realización). (para el alumnado premiado de 3º de ESO) y la semana del

1. Haber formalizado la Solicitud de Inscripción en el plazo establecido.
2. Tener aprobadas todas las asignaturas del curso 2009/2010.
3. Tener aprobadas todas las asignaturas del curso 2010/2011.
4. Elaborar y enviar una carta que exprese los intereses y motivaciones personales por las que desean participar en estos Premios. La carta deberá cumplir con las características indicadas en Anexo I-A.
5. Realizar y enviar un trabajo monográfico, siguiendo las indicaciones del Anexo I-B.
6. Enviar la documentación necesaria indicada en Anexo I-C, dentro de los plazos establecidos.
7. Enviar el expediente académico del curso 2010/2011 antes del 4 de julio de 2011. 

Animaos y hablad con vuestras profesoras de inglés que estaremos encantadas de ayudaros. Aquí tenéis los links para obtener toda la información y la documentación. 

Página de la FUNCAE (Fundación para la calidad de la educación).



Ya sabéis que este curso han limitado mucho la convocatoria de las Becas de Conselleria para realizar cursos en el extranjero, pero ahora tenéis otra oportunidad con las becas del Ministerio. 
Aquí tenéis el enlace a la página donde aparecen los requisitos, destinos etc.

Recordad que 
- Es para personas entre 16 y 30 años. Tienes que haber nacido entre enero de 1981 y diciembre de 1994.
- Tienes que haber recibido una beca general de estudios este curso 2010-2011.
- Las solicitudes se presentan antes del 30 de marzo.

Animaos a pedirlas si cumplís los requisitos
¡Buena suerte!

Monday, 21 February 2011


You can always revise previous contents doing the activities in the sections for ESO and 1 Batxillerat.  

    Present perfect simple and continuous (lesson and exercises 1) , past perfect simple and continuous.

    Defining and non defining relative sentences. Exercise 1 , 2 (pronouns), 2 (which / where),   2 (necessary or not), 3 (where, when, prep + which), 4 (defining or not defining), 5 (non defining), 6 (relative clauses), 9 (that/what), Test 1, 2. You can find many other exercises of different levels in this link.
    Reported speech with different introductory verbs: accept, advise, agree, apologize, ask, beg, etc. Statements 1, 2. Commands 3, 4, Questions 5, 6Word order 7 , Other reporting verbs Exercise 8.
    Adjectives with too / enough.
    Conditional sentences
    I wish + would /+ past simple o perfect.
    Word formation: compound nouns and adjectives, prefixes and suffixes. 
    Passive voice
    Have / get something done.
    Verbs followed by infinitive with to / without to / -- ing form.
    Verbs and adjectives + infinitive
    Modal verbs and modal perfect verbs.

    Subordinate sentences and linkers: although, even if, in spite of, so / such…that, so (that), (in order) to, in order not to, so as to, so as not to, for this reason, in addition, moreover, on the other hand, because, whereas, for example, consequently, s if, as…as, as though, etc.
    Mixed 1 2, 3,


    You can always revise previous contents doing the activities in the sections for ESO.

    Verbal tenses revision: Present simple. Present continuous. Past Simple. Past Continuous. Present Perfect Simple. Past Perfect Simple. Future (will, be going to, present continuous)
    Phrasal verbs.
    Want + (noun / pronoun) to + infinitive.
    Pronouns and relative sentences. Exercise 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (omission),  Test 1, You can find many other exercises of different levels in this link.

    Would / used to + infinitive.. / Be / get used to + -ing.
    Verbs followed by infinitive with to / without to / -- ing form. Verb as subject.
    Adverbs of manner and intensity.
    Passive voice
    When as soon as + present simple o perfect.
    Modal verbs: must, mustn’t, should / ought to, need, needn’t, have to, don’t have to, can / be able to, could.
    Conditional sentences types I, II and III.
    Reported speech: introductory verb in present (Exercise 1, 2) statements (Exercise 3, 4), questions (Exercise 5, 6) , commands and suggestions (Exercise 7, 8, 9,) Mixed exercises 1, 2.
    Subordinate sentences with because, since, so as, as a result, consequently, etc.


    You can always revise previous contents doing the activities in the sections for 1 ESO, 2 ESO and 3 ESO.

    Verbal tenses revision: Present simple and continuous, past simple and continuous. Exercise 1, 2
    Question words. Subject and object questions. Exercise 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    Present perfect: for - since, already, yet, etc.
    Pronouns and linkers: and, because, but, so, such, both, etc. Exercise 1 (because, but, so, although lesson and exercises)
    Modal verbs: may/ might/ can/ can’t, etc.
    Time sentences.
    Conditional sentences. Type I - Exercise 1, 2. Type II - Exercise 1,
    Mixed Conditionals
    Degree of comparison.
    Passive voice. Exercise 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
    Relative pronouns and defining relative sentences. Exercise 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (pronouns), Test 1
    Indefinite pronouns with some/ any


    You can always revise previous contents doing the activities in the sections for 1 ESO and 2 ESO.

    Present Simple / Present Continuous: P. Simple 1P.Cont. 1, Simple/ContSimple/Cont .1Simple/Cont 2, Simple/Cont. 3 

    Past Simple / Past Continuous: Simple Present/Past Simple Past Simple 1, Past Simple 2Past Continuous 1, Past Continuous 2Past S/C 1, Past S/C 2, Past S/C 3, Past S/C 4, Past S/C 5.

    Present Perfect + ever/ never/ just.

    Future: will, ( Exercise 1, 2, 3) be going to (Exercises 1, 2, 3), Present Continuous with future meaning (Exercises 1). Mixed exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.   

    First Conditional. Exercise 1, 2, 3
    Conditional sentences type I. Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

    Modal verbs: can, could, should, must, have to

    Word order.


    Quantifiers: much/ many/ a lot of/ too/ not… enough.

    Pronouns and linkers.

    Expressions temporals: ago/ since/ for/ later/ when/ after, etc.

    Making and answering suggestions: Let´s…/ How/ What about + -ing? / Why don’t we...?/ Shall we...? Exercise 1, 2, 3, 4.


     You can always revise previous contents doing the activities in the section for 1 ESO.  

    Present simple and Present continuous. Adverbs of frequency. (1st Eso)

    Past simple (Activity 1, Activity 2, Activity 3, Activity 4, Activity 5) . There was/ There were. Past continuous (Activity 1, Activity 2, Activity 3, Activity 4, Activity 5)

    Future: Will/ / be going to.

    Time expressions: this weekend, next year, etc.

    Adjective: comparative and superlative (Activity 1, Activity 2, Activity 3, Activity 4, Activity 5).

    Preposition of place: under, between... (Activity 1, Activity 2, Activity 3)

    Modal verbs: can, could, must, should, etc


    1. Personal pronouns: Exercise 1, Exercise 2, Exercise 3
    2. Verbs be (Affimative, Negative& have got (Affirmative, Negative).
    3. Articles: a, an, the.
    4. Demonstrative pronouns
    5. Question pronouns: List, Exercise 1, Exercise 2, Exercise 3.
    6. Singular & plural: Explanation. Exercise 1, Exercise 2, Exercise 3.
    7. Possessives. Saxon Genitive.
    8. Imperative.
    9. There is/ there are (Excercise 1, Exercesie 2, Exercise 3, Excersise 4). Quantifiers (Explanation some/ any, some / any 1, some/any 2, how much/how many 1, how much/how many 2), Countable/Uncountable nouns (Exercise 1, Exercise 2)
    10. Present simple. Adverbs of frequency.(Present simple 1, 2, negative 3, interrogative 4, habits and routines 5, uses 6)
    11. Present Continuous. Present continuous vs Present simple. Time Expressions: now, today, etc (Present Continuous 1, 2, 3, uses 4, Contrast simple / continuous 1, 2)
    12. The Past: Past Simple be (Exercise 1, 2). There was/ were (Exercise 1). Past simple verbs regulars i irregulars (Exercise 1, 2, negative 3, contrast 4, 5) . Adverbs and adverbial phrases: yesterday, last week, etc.
    13. The future: Present continuous. Be going to (form, use and exercises). Adverbs & adverbial phrases: tomorrow, next week, etc.
    14. Word order: adjective + noun/ predicative adjectives. Adverbs of mode. Adverbis de freqüència (Exercise 12)
    15. Connectors (and, but, or, because, first, then, finally)
    16. Place Prepositions: on, in, next to, behind, opposite...
    17. Time Prepositions (Exercise 1, ).
    18. Modal verbs: Can 1, 2. Must.
    19. Adjectives.
    20. Numbers: ordinal & cardinal (Exercise 1, 2, 3, 4)
    21. Time expressions: hora, dia, mes i data.
    22. Vocabulary

    Friday, 18 February 2011



    Your classmates think that this year the student book is really boring. ‘Photostory’ characters aren’t attractive and the stories aren’t funny. It is dead boring!

    You tell it to your teacher and you decide you can do it better. Now you are designing your ‘Photostory’. To do that, you have to imagine new stories that you have to narrate with dialogues and photos.

    The main characters are teenagers like you and your story is about a group of teenagers that are living a funny or curious situation.

    You are creating your own English book! Other students can learn English with your stories!
     Use these LINKS to find:

    1. The description of the Project , the Task and the Process for the First Part.
    2. First Part Activities.
    3. The Process and Activities of the Second Part.



                Everybody loves movies, but not everybody share the same tastes. So, we are going to learn about what movies our classmates like. We will learn vocabulary and expressions related to the cinema and, also, we will practice speaking in English.

    Use your imagination...                                  LET'S GO TO THE MOVIES

                After doing some activities, you will have to prepare an oral presentation (between five and ten minutes) about your favourite movie with some visual aid (it can be a power point, a poster or photocopy to hand out).

    TASK 1
    -        Form couples and decide what movie you are going to present.
    -        Do the activities that the teacher will give you to learn vocabulary and structures.
    -        Do some research about the movie: facts, plot, pictures...
    -        Prepare two paragraphs: you can divide your work but remember to revise together everything.
    -        The movie
    -        An introduction of a person related to the movie: an actor, actress, the director, the composer of the soundtrack...

                At the end of this part you must hand in these texts to you teacher for correction. Present it in a neat formal way.

    TASK 2
                You have to present in front of your classroom the texts you have prepare.
    -        Prepare the supporting material (power point, poster, photocopies).
    -        Decide who is going to present what part and practice pronunciation.
    -        Present your work in front of the classroom.

                Remember that you will be assessed both regading content and performance (lo que dices, cómo lo dices y cómo lo presentas).To make your presentation more interesting and funny, you can add different things, like the performance of a scene or dialogue, disguises, gadgets...

    You can click this links to read the instructions about the PROCESS and ASSESSMENT, and you can also download the ACTIVITIES page.

    Monday, 31 January 2011

    St Valentine's Day

    Read the poem Love is the source of live and match the definitions with the verses. After that, you are going to write your own love poem. It's not so difficult! The best ones will be published.

    St Valentine's Day

    Read this story about St Valentine and answer the questions.

    Now you can write your own love poem and share it with your classsmates. We will publish the best ones.

    Monday, 10 January 2011

    Katy Perry - Sesame Street

    HOT'N'COLD (Elmo's version)

    KP: Hi Elmo!
    Elmo: Hi Ms. Katy
    KP: Are you ready to play "dress up"?
    Elmo: "Dress up"?
    KP: You said that you wanted to play "dress up", don't you?!
    Elmo: Hmm
    KP: C'mon Elmo, don't you wanna play?
    Elmo: Mmm
    KP: Elmo!

    You wanna play so I wore dressed up clothes
    Then you ran away, leave me here in this pose
    How am I suppose to play with you?


    (1)You're _________ then you're _________
    You're running _________
    You're _________ then you're _________
    You _________ then you _________

    (2) You're _________ then you're _________
    You're _________ then you're _________
    You're _________ then you're _________
    I'm starting to doubt

    You. You don't really wanna play, no?
    You just really wanna go

    We used to be
    Just like twins, so in sync
    Used to love, how we played
    Now you just runaway
    Didn't know, that you ware gonna change

    (Refrain) (1) (2)

    Someone stop that monster
    Gotta chase him, all over
    How to catch him, I wonder?
    He’s too quick for me

    You. You don't really wanna play, no
    You just really wanna go



    a) Look for the past verbs in the song. Write them and their infinitive form. There are 6.

    b) Translate the underlined words or expressions from the text.




    ou change your mind
    Like a girl changes clothes
    Yeah you PMS
    Like a bitch, I would know

    And you overthink
    Always speak cryptically
    I should know
    That you're no good for me

    (1)'Cause you're __________ then you're __________
    You're __________ then you're __________
    You're __________ then you're __________
    You're __________ then you're __________

    (2 )You're __________ when it's __________
    It's __________ and it's __________
    We fight, we __________
    We kiss, we __________

    (3) You! You don't really want to __________, no
    You! But you don't really want to __________

    (4) You're __________ then you're __________

    You're __________ then you're __________
    You're __________ then you're __________
    You're __________ then you're __________

    We used to be
    Just like twins, so in sync
    The same energy
    Now's a dead battery

    Used to laugh 'bout nothing
    Now you're plain boring
    I should know that you're not gonna change

    Someone call the doctor
    Got a case of a love bi-polar
    Stuck on a roller coaster
    Can't get off this ride

    You change your mind
    Like a girl changes clothes

    (Refrain) (1) (2) (1) (2) (3) (4)


    1) Find in the text these words or expressions:

    cambiar de opinion - cambiarse de ropa - solíamos ser - alguién - pilas que no funcionan - eres totalmente aburrido - nada - montaña rusa - no me puedo bajar de esta atracción

    2) Write 5 meaningful sentences using some of the words or expressions from exercise 1.

    3) Watch the video Katy Perry sings "Hot N Cold" with Elmo on

    Sesame Street! write the different opposite words used in each video.